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Week One:

The class got debriefed on the FMP Assignment and we focused on what was needed from us within this project to get the best possible grade we could get. I focused on making sure that I didn't set my bar too high and out of reach as I tend to aim too high for my capabilities. I took small notes on what was needed for each page of our blogs and what we needed to be able to get the mark for each unit within the project. Once we finished going over what was needed we brainstormed what we could possibly do for our FMP.
I personally had a lot of ideas to choose from but all seemed very complex for the time limit which narrowed down my choices from around 10 to 5. These ideas were:

  1. Trailer- like last year's FMP but learn from it and make one that is showing the skills that I have learned over the next year
  2. A scripted storytelling podcast- this idea is making a podcast recording for storylines and plotlines, there would also beads, musical breaks from the storyline and it would have a radio station and audiobook crossover feel to it. 
  3. Short film- I wanted to turn one of my written story-scripts into a visual thing. So this would be an ideal time to show my mind when writing stories. I was thinking, in particular, a storyline I called Assassin High, a story about training the future assassins', the police in this universe but no one knew anything about them. This story also has a rebellion that wants to go back to the old ways with the court and incent until proven guilty but the government saw it as a waste of time. This storyline goes deep into the morals of assassins, growing up this way and what it can do to you as well as looking into the positives of this way even a few conspiracy theories of why the government wanted this way to pass through the system of old. 
  4. Music video- This video idea came to me to showcase all of my improvement from my first to my last project. This seemed like a really good idea and this way I could work on making a storyline without having to limit dialogue as it will already be there. I personally liked the unique idea of making a music video for a piece of music from a musical, by taking out the talking part and giving it my own meaning yet keeping it to the same audience as the original. Possibly even coming up with a unique cover for this piece. 
  5. My sister's wedding- This idea came about when I saw the dates of things needed doing, seeing if I did my sisters wedding video, which I already planned on filming with springboard equipment and a crew made from the class, this was a good idea as it would also take a lot of the weight off me as I would be long ahead at that point after filming because of the wedding dates. It was one of my ideas before the briefing. After class, Foxy did say it wouldn't be advised as some of the criteria would be hard for me to get within this type of piece and this idea was taken out of my ideas.
I will look into these options and prepare to create one of them researching into it and linking it to my Unit 12 as I want that to also support my FMP so I can get even more research within this piece. I am also going to start finding cast/ crew once I decide to make sure I know what people are going to do.

Week Two:

I have decided out of the list above I am going to do the assassin high idea as it is something I am very passionate about and have a very clear view on. I also managed to secure my crew but my cast is still taking work as I need to be sure the people I choose can create a compelling act. I am going to create a pitch to show the acting students to ask them for help.

This week I have developed and created my FMP idea, I am going to make a short film about one of my own stories that I have named 'Assassin High' this story has two strong female leads and shows the story of them going through normal teenage life with struggles to fit in. I think this is very current with the uprising of female leads and showing girls that they don't need a 'prince' to save them. This story is aimed at the teen to a young adult audience and would be found as a Netflix original as I feel like that is where a lot of these types of shows and films, like Riverdale and 13 reasons why is found to have the most success. In Foxy's lesson, I started to plan how the short film would take place, what character there is of importance and how to make this 'a short film'. I concluded that it would be impossible to fit everything of importance into the time limit I gave myself, I didn't want to try to find a way to make a trailer with no film itself. 
However, I came up with a compromise to this problem. I recognised  I couldn't fit all the information in the scheduled time limit I wanted for the short film, and there would be a lot to cram and go over the story would either feel incomplete or too fast for the audience to keep up with all the information the film would be giving them. So I decided to make the first episode. This way I could show things to come at the end, like 'in the next episode...' and I could keep the plot at a slower pace making easier shots and give time for character development. This is why I decided Netflix in the end with the examples of Riverdale and 13 reasons why.
Next week I will be creating my pitch for this idea and go over what I am going to do.

Week Three:

Last week I decided to on my idea and go onto my pitch writing and putting together my presentation for it. I am going to go over what I am going to do, why I am doing this idea, what is the genual plot of the storyline, the things I will need, the plans I have to add in technical assets and how I am going to practice this shoot so when it comes to the real shoot I will be able to do it.
I have written basic slides for the pitch and what I wanted to cover when presenting it, the finished slides will be in my planning page. I am going to go back to my original idea as I would like a conclusion to the story I produced and I think I know how to take out a lot of the original plotline to make it seem less rushed and overall better. I am going to make my mood board and start planning what exactly I will need to create this piece. This powerpoint will create an overall look and emotional, physical and mental feel for this piece.
Then I will move on to making a script and storyboard to structure and create the picture of what I want from my characters and the plotline.
I now have moved on to making the proposal and official documentation at college and making and physically creating mood boards and other pre-productions so I can physically see the piece coming to life. This means I will move onto pre-production next week and work on the overall look and powerpoint of my idea will be created at home. 

Week Four:

Last week I was struggling between two different ideas for this one idea, however, I designed my pitch for the original idea, even though I am starting to dought the idea and the time limit against my capability of what I can create. There are some things I am confident that I can achieve the way I want, like the magic effects and the school environment scenes where I could use Justin's room to set up a high school environment. I also planned to look into American schooling and how it would look to give it that feel as the target audience is portrayed to be in America majority female.
This week I am giving my pitch and I am going to get feedback I am also going to put my evaluation of my videos of my pitch and how I dealt with the questions, how I think I did and what I could have done better. This will come later in the week, however as I want to finish my structure for my idea before evaluating the video, I will evaluate in Dawn's lesson on Friday.
Today I watched my video of the powerpoint, I think I covered everything so that is a success I was clear on what I planned but I didn't really go into the story itself but I did go over the practical and technical a lot. I do, however, think I kept repeating things as the slides went into so much detail I kept going back and forth between explaining different things at the slides intertwined the detail more than they should. I also reviewed the questions video and I think when it came to answering the technical and practical questions but when it came to the storyline and plotline of it I was a little dodging the actual question as the things within the script, the scenes I wanted to do and what I could do were still kind of undecided so I wanted to focus on the things I had planned. I think I could have explained the whole story and how I planned to go through the plot rather than just saying 'I have to go through the story and convert it into a script' this made it seem that I didn't have a clear view on what I was actually producing. Overall, I think that my pitch went very well as I covered as I also made sure I got my idea across and show I have a detailed idea on what I am working on. I do think if I were to do this pitch again I would look over it more and make it more organised so I wasn't going over things and put the slides in a more officiant order that would make the pitch more fluent.
My next steps are to go through the story I had written and converted a coherent story from the important parts of the story. I also think I can get to the opening scenes summed up in an overview and voiceover. I am going to go over what I want and make notes on how to make the scripts out of the important parts of the story, then I will find locations and people who can play and help me (crew) to make sure I can plan the dates within the holidays that suited everyone. I am also going to write the script over the next week. 

Week Five:

Last week I was going to start pre-production this week but when I started to do it I slowly started to see how impossible it would be to get something I would be proud of out of this idea, with the time constraints and organising a mass of people to be able to shoot an actual scripted film, having the talent learn it and being able to have actors that actually sound believable things just got more and more impossible and stressful. 
Since it is only week five I have decided to change my idea as it would make it easier on me and I will be able to produce something I can be proud of. So I went with my plan B, something I wanted to create as much as the short film. A music video for a cover of a song from a musical, I wanted a female version of the song, but I haven't found a good cover online nor can I distort the original song to sound female. I think if I want to do this what I am going to do is to find a singer and someone who can make an instrumental for me for this to be a completely original piece of the music and I will be able to create it how I want. For example, I don't want the talking part within the piece as it would take away from the message I was trying to tell within the piece and make it more about the musical itself. I want to show what this song says to me, and what others should see within this song other than the musicals message. This would mean I could take the song and make it visually to suit my message and people who have and haven't seen the musical could take similar messages from the video, they also could take in a whole new meaning if they knew the song and see it has many different messages about it and also come up with  what the song means to them.
So now I am going to re-make my proposal and start on the pre-production, as now starting over has pushed me back a lot. I have talked about this with my course director, James Fox, and I am at a little more ease in the fact that I don't have to re-pitch my new idea as it has changed. This saves me time and I can just get on with pre-production. I do have to create a new mood board and think about how I am going to make a music video. I want Unit 12 to stay connected within this so I am going to change the question a little to suit what I am doing. I am going to look at theories that focus on Narrative in media and how they are used if at all, to make a music video successful. The official title of my essay is Narrative Theories needed to make a successful music video in the 21st Century?'. This means that I can still make a storyline, be able to change my idea and still link my unit 12 and 13 together. This seems to be the best out of all of the options I had with my original idea and makes it so I can have the parts of my original idea that I could do to be part of my second plan, this music video. I am going to make it about insecurities and anxieties that most people feel like they are alone with, that no one else feels. This would also make it link with the original meaning but also show my own personal struggles as well as other common problems the target audience suffers from showing them that they are not alone, as the music and the song says, and I can be able to show musical parts and original parts together so people who know the song will be able to link the two making the message even more powerful to them. I will work on this over the holiday, get audio and the pre-production over the Easter break. I will try and get testing done but as I am behind now because of changing my idea I might not get all of this done but I will work my hardest through the break to manage to stay on target for me to be at latest ready to film.

Week Six:

Last week I changed my idea and so I have had to restart my planning and my unit 12 question so it would still link to these projects. I decided this week to make my survey and share it around social media in different and various groups, either filed with my target audience like groups dedicated to the music that the song if from to my friends and family to see if there would be a clear type of audience. eg- gender, age, nationality est. My findings that can be found on my research page, to sum it up however I found out that the target audience seems to be primarily female around the age teens the to early 20s that live in the USA. I would say this is perfect as my original audience would seem to be the same according to my previous research into my original idea, This means I can go into research about the same audience looking into, instead of their schools, the problems they suffer from, what is relatable to them and what makes them feel alone. My hypothesis is that the results of this secondary research will conclude to be similar for all teens and young adults across the globe, however, I will not know until I do my secondary research later this week. Now at the end of the week, I have a total of 22 responses and the charts are located on my research page. My hypothesis was nearly perfectly correct however the conclusion of a question I didn't cover. The results were that most people want music videos of their favourite musical songs, which I go into more within my research, I believe there isn't a lot of. They only really exist as covers and if there are some, look to my research for my official conclusion, they are next to impossible to find. I will put this to look further into when I get onto research.
I will continue to research for unit 12 and I will look into secondary research of what is the most common things that teen girls across the USA struggle with. I am also going to focus on getting my pre-production done within the first half of the Easter break and then get my testing done and production on the second week.

Week Seven:

Last week I said the first week I will focus on pre-production I am currently working on my shot list and my storyboard, I am also going over locations, talent and cast lists, and making recces and risk assessments on all of the locations. At the moment I know I am going to shoot in different areas around my house and neighbourhood taking photos and short clips of cards heald in hands, on the floor found in different locations by different people, then I am going to film people looking into the sky and graphically make a light orb flying with my characters following it, I am thinking it would be easier if I do this within Lynn and get more people to be able to play these characters as they will not have to travel far or out of their way to get to my shoots meaning more people will be able to help me. I am going to base these cards as a small card that is part of their body, putting them on their sleeve on the palm of the hand, est. This will be
I am also thinking about my test shoot, what I will need and which location I will be shooting in. I am thinking of small shoots for the easy quick passed shots and spending some time in the studio as I need to work with the blondes, redheads and LED lights to make sure I know how I want the spotlight to look. I want harsh lighting on the main character when they are given their speech and  I want to find a way to lessen it and produce a flooding effect with the lights to show a mass of people that you 'couldn't see before'. I think these two shots will, in reality, be shot in different takes just to make it easier but in post-production, I will mess around with merging video and seeing how the transition will go if it will work and make it seem seamless and make it easier overall.
My next steps will be creating all of the paperwork for everything and then move on to testing and preparing for the production of this project. 

Week Eight:

Last week I was going through pre-production paperwork and getting into specifics of what I am going to shoot first and what order everything is going to be done. I have decided, however, with all personal events going on with my health, family and the holiday I will only be recording the audio this week as I don't think I will have the time to get anything else in my schedule. I am also going to be making the props, cards with problems on them, and thinking what kind of area I want the main characters to find them in/ where they will be on their body. I went in today to record part of the audio, the lyrics, with my singer. We organised to meet at 1pm at the college. I got there an hour early and I was told the person I was waiting for had gone on lunch, the person to open the sound booth, then my talent got there and we waited a total of two hours before we realised he wasn't coming back. I think I should have planned it a little better as I did after I got home remember, I didn't give them much warning. I decided to give my talent a later date and make sure it was early enough to make sure nothing would stop us from recording. I look back and I think my planning could have been a lot better and I will make sure I have everything ready for Tuesday next week.
Next week I will finish my pre-production and get on with my production, I'll do this by cutting the work done through the week so that week then I can just work on production and then edit at home making it easier and quicker for me to edit in hopes of getting to week eleven with a complete product and then start on improving and making tweaks, then focusing on my blogger 'essay' and get my products of March, ads and promotion for the product complete. This is what will put me back on target. 

Week Nine:

Today I took my second attempt into recording the lyrics of the song. My singer and I successfully got her lyrics recorded in clips. I will now have to put them together and layer up some of them changing the pitch to make it sound like different people. I recorded different scales of singing to make it easier for me to change it. This is because I have watched covers before and when it gets to the chorus it becomes very anti-climatic and pulls away at the meaning of the song.
I also have done my test shoot, and now will look into testing my post effects.
Today I have tested how I am going to make my 'orbs' and I have found a website that allows free use of the effects I am going to use. The link for this website is here and here is the link they sent in the comments to someone explain the free to use. The picture below is of that comment explaining that like.

*Week Ten:

Today I have made a decision on what I am going to do for my merchandise, I am going to make a 'merch shop' page on blogger. This will not only and make my own and specific to music video merch to promote the video but also me as a creator. 

Week Eleven:

I am now editing my project however I have learnt that this computer needs to take its time and I need to edit effects in smaller times spaces like this (Mac) crashes with this popup coming up.

Week Twelve:

Week Thirteen: 

List for the week 13:

To do-

Chart and analytic write-ups.
Production logs 
Focus Group Results 
Secondary research 
What I change because of these results 
Evaluation 9-13 / S.M.A.R.T Target evaluation


Introduction Page 
Ideas affect links and why they are there.
Moodboard and roughs
History of Vevo
Final Proposal


  1. Ensure research charts up to date, production logs, 4Ps complete today, moodboard and roughs... today/tonight. Qualify VEVO audience and in your evaluation compare your piece tomorrow latest.

    1. I have put my list on here in the correct week, I asked a question on the planning page. I am also going on to finishing the transferring of my research with the Harvard references.


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