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Target Audience:

This is my target audience they are female in their late teens the to Mid 20s and white. They are fairly smart and are in the working class. She is someone who keeps themselves well groomed and wears natural looking makeup. They are also mostly introverted, they live in the United Kingdom, follow some fashion trends but if they like the style they keep to it even if the trend moves on. 

My Target Audience:

Age: Late teens to mid-20s
Gender: Female
Class: Working Class
Educational: College or University 
Housing: Living with parents in a semi-detached house or in uni block
Income: Minumum wage or no job
Religion: Athiest or Christian
Political Stand: Green Party, UK or the US equivalent 
Ethnicity:  British and the US
Race:  White
Career: Weekend job, retail
Goal Career: Creative, something in the arts 
Family: g Various, types of together and split families as the whole idea is that everyone is going through something I would say this section is split from together to adopted.
Transport: g First car, pedal bike and public transport.






Props and Budget:

Props list;

  • Card
  • Pens, pencil and other stationary
  • Camera 
  • Green screen
  • LED Spot lights 


Card- £3
Stationary- £5 
Total- £8
I am going to round up to £10 because I want to be able to have a back up budget, incase I need to replace or redo something.

Specific – Measurable – Achievable –
Reason – Timely
What went well? - What didn’t go well? - Why?
My proposal and PowerPoint S-
I am going to finish my proposal and start my PowerPoint. And mood-board
Make mood board
Finish proposal
make PowerPoint
I will make the mood board and finish the proposal and start the PowerPoint using 5 -10 slides
I am making this to explain and show within my pitch to the class what my idea is.
by 12:30PM
After Lesson:
I didn't complete this in the time I set, however, I did do it over my own time when I got home. I managed to get my proposal finished in the lesson and I started the PowerPoint too. I then continued making it when I got home and found/ made my mood-board, I printed and physically made my first copy and then added to it as I worked on my PowerPoint.
Overall I may have not finished in the time I gave myself but I did manage to get it done within my own time.
Next Steps:
I am going to create an in detail pitch and I am going to add to the PowerPoint so that I will have the notes I will need to be able to show my idea in as much structure I can.
My PitchS-
I am going to add final things to my PowerPoint and then pitch to a small group of people and have it filmed.
I will be finished 2-3 of the slides I forgot to create
Then I will be pitching to a group of around 3-5 people.
I am going to work on my PowerPoint, spending around 5 minutes on each slide making sure it is what I want it to be and give any extra time before my pitch to see what else I could add to my pitch, evaluate before the pitch and work on my blogger ideas page and proposal.
I am doing this to show my idea to people to get feedback on what I can do to make it better.
I will have finished the presentation before 10:30am and I will pitch by 4:30pm today

Before my pitch:
I previously said that I was going to have 5 - 10 slides in my presentation pitch I have 13 in my final pitch, however, 2 of those slides are the title and ending screen asking for questions, the information slides there are only 11 so I went over my higher goal by one and I personally think that the information I need is within this pitch. I am going to have a small group in my audience watching my pitch.

After my pitch:
I think that the pitch was successful and I included what I needed to and I created an in detail pitch on my idea and what it is going to be. I am confident even more now that I will be able to achieve what I want to do and that this project will be a success.

Next Steps:
I am now going to start my pre-production and research. Looking into where I want to film and what is the official script and shot list and other pre-production. I am going to also aim to get the test shoots done by the end of the break
My idea change, timeline.S-
I am going to rewrite my proposal as my idea has changed, I will also write in my evaluation page to make it up to date with my thoughts. I will then plan out my research and what I am going to do.
1. I will finish my proposal to at minimum section 2. Then get up to this week (week 5)
3. Then re-schedule my pre-production and timeline to fit my new idea
I will spend around 15-20 minutes on my proposal then around 20 minutes on my evaluation. I will then go home and continue my evaluation if need be for at most, 2 hours and will revisit my proposal as I am planning and remaking my mood-board est. Then I will go over my original timeline and change it to fit my new idea better.
To have a more successful and overall better FMP, make something I really can be proud of and make it look way more professional and something that really shows my development over this two-year course.
Before Foxy's Lesson on Friday
After Lesson:
I have started the proposal, however,I need to finish it. I also need to update my evaluation page as it is not fully up to date. I didn't reach my target of having it done but I am going to continue to work on my pre-production and planning when to get my first parts of my production and testing done
My primary and secondary research planS- 
I will be looking at my proposal and finding my target audience. I will also go into looking at what I need to research and how I am going to do it.
Finish proposal
Make a survey on survey monkey
look at what I want to do
Research what I want to do and how to do it.
11:36 - 12pm- Proposal, survey and primary research
secondary research and funding sources.
To make sure I am catering to the correct audience and so I know how to create the effects I want.
I am going to do this for Foxy's next lesson.

Ideation- Research – Planning –
Production - Evaluation
Specific – Measurable – Achievable –
Reason – Timely
What went well? - What didn’t go well? - Why?
Get storyboard, recce and risk paperwork finished for shoots coming up in the next few days. 
S-Recce, storyboard and Risk forms completed for the shoots I am planning on doing and for the corresponding locations for those shoots.
M-I will make sure that I will have finished my rough draft of my storyboard and that my evaluation is up to date by the end of the lessons today. Then whatever I don't get done in the lesson I will finish at home
A-I will be able to achieve this and possibly get some production notes from audio shoots done too if I have time.
R-I am doing this so I can film in the location I have planned to tomorrow.
T-I will have this done by tomorrow's lesson with Foxy.

Test shoot / first shoot. 
S-I will be going into the studio to shoot the test footage and if goes really well I might even use some of the footage in the final piece. I will be testing the setup, portions, and lighting.
M-I have planned my practice and booked the studio for 9-12 as I will want enough time to test out all possibilities and what will look the best for my idea.
A-I believe that I have plenty of time for this task as it is quite a simple task and I want to make sure I get right.
R-I am doing this because I need to test out some post-production that I am worried I might not be able to do without practice.
T- By the end of the lesson I will have test footage to test at home today and for the end of the day have the ing post done, a premier files for production and an audition file and start putting the vocals together to send to instrumental. 

Finishing Pre-Production and Research
S-I am going to focus on completing and publishing all my pre-productions today and getting my secondary research done today
M-I will work on paperwork and evaluation within Foxy's lesson, in Lunch, will start research and in Dawn's Lesson, will finish all pre-production.
A-I am giving myself whole lessons for the write-ups of forms, scripts and research. Then I am also looking at lunch to give myself enough time to eat but also going to the LRC to get books and physical resources and information as well as looking at the internet.
R-I am doing this because I need to know more about what it needs to look, feel and be like for the audience I am trying to cater to. I am also doing this to make sure I am sure about what I am doing when. The reason I have set this as the target time is because for the two weeks, ideally one week, I want to get on with production.
T-As previously stated I am working to have this, ideally, done by the end of today. However, my latest goal would be Sunday/ by Tuesday when we come back. 

Finish Pre-Production
S- I am going to finish all the production and research pages done.
M-I will be filming the main part of the whole production in the studio. So I will have to have it all done by then
A-I am going to get it ready for Foxy's Lesson Friday.
R-I am doing this so I am making sure I can move on without having to go back.
T-To get this all done by the end of the week

Technical Testing- Maths and English Forum


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